Opening Hours: Monday & Wednesday 4pm - 7pm. Thursday & Friday 4pm - 9pm. Saturday 10am - 4pm. Phone 087 447 5873 for appointments
Your Initial Podiatry Assessment Appointment will take approximately 40 minutes. You will be given a medical questionnaire to fill in about your past and present health. Please complete as it is essential to fill in this form so that we can undertake a thorough assessment of your podiatric needs.
A few simple, painless tests will be carried out to check the circulation in your feet and to discover if you have normal sensation in your feet. At the end of the assessment, the podiatrist will discuss everything with you. A treatment plan will be agreed between yourself and your podiatrist and this will be signed by yourself and your podiatrist.
Why do I need an assessment?
An assessment is necessary to enable the podiatrist to obtain a complete history of your general health and your foot problems. The assessment process enables us to target our services towards people who are considered to be at high risk because they have a medical condition that affects their feet.
For example, those who have:
May I bring a family member or a friend?
Of course you are welcome to bring someone with you if you wish to do so. Please note that patients under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Ladies may find it more convenient to wear socks rather than stockings or tights.
Is my information private and secure?
Any personal information about you is kept confidential at all times and is only shared with other health professionals when necessary to support your care and treatment. If we want to use your information for any other purpose, with the exception of when the law requires us to do so, we will discuss this with you and obtain your consent.